In this workshop, we will first go through the ‘workflow’ of what a meta-analysis in R entails. We will then run through some code together on a sample dataset to get a global effect size and heterogeneity, as well as run some meta-regression …
Workshop description: Tired of ggplot2’s default colour palette and grey background? Want to change the typeface of your text? Wondering how to spice up your legend? While ggplot2 is undoubtedly one of the best packages to visualise data, we seldom make the most out of its themes and customisation options.
We live in a data-driven era, where collecting large amounts of information is becoming increasingly more accessible. There is now an unprecedented demand for more flexible and powerful computational tools in order to understand our data. The UNSW …
How do hyper-diverse communities of plants emerge and seemingly persist without driving each other to extinction? This is the question that motivates my recent research, from my PhD at the University of Queensland where I studied tiny annual wildflowers in the Western Australian wheatbelt, to my postdoc at UNSW where I am investigating how colossal eucalypts communities will respond to climate change.
Spatial data is essential for understanding many phenomena in natural and social sciences, and maps are used in a variety of fields to visualise data and results in an appealing and interpretive way.
abstract: R is becoming a standard method for analysing data yet at first R can be overwhelming and may seem like a foreign language. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the coding language R, the software RStudio, and a tool called the tidyverse.
Have you ever broken your code and/or lost track of the changes you've made? Have you ever trawled through your manual back ups to find some files you've hidden away? Have your collaborators ever emailed you code fixes and you struggle to see what …
In this workshop we aim to give you a taste of what data visualisations are possible in R. We will dazzle you with an introduction to graphics creation using ggplot before changing how you see data using some core graphical principles.
R is becoming a standard method for analysing data, yet at first R can be overwhelming and may seem like a foreign language. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the coding language R, the software RStudio, and a tool called tidyverse.